About “Isvor. Brâncuși”

Isvor. Constantin Brâncuși is dedicated to the greatest Romanian sculptor and is inspired by his life and work; it’s a reconstruction – visually and musically – of Brâncuși’s world: from Gorj county, where he was born and formed spiritually, to Paris where he evolved artistically and culturally. Thus, the works that builds up the music programme are inspired by traditional music from Oltenia; Maria Tănase’s music (probably the most important voice of Romanian traditional music, but also one of the greatest loves of Brâncuși); Erik Satie’s music (French composer, precursor of minimalism, surrealism, repetitive music or „theatre de l’absurde”, interested in Romanian fiddlers music and good friend of the Romanian sculptor); or, simply, compositions inspired by Constantin Brâncuși’s work: Sleeping Muse, Bird in Space, The Wisdom of the Earth, The Table of Silence, The Endless Column.

The music programme is enriched by photo/video projections, a moving instalation that visually comments (and scenographically completes) the sound univers sonor imagined in spirit and honor of Brâncuși’s work.