Imago Mundi ensemble offers a contemporary perspective on the rich Romanian musical tradition, enlivening the irresistible scores of the urban folklore of the past. In Estoril Lisbon, the ensemble will present its most recent project, entitled ‘Isvor (The Source). George Enescu’, which investigates the great composer’s indigenous sources of inspiration, the ones that give two of his best known works, the Romanian Rhapsodies, as well as many other compositions their unmistakable local flavour. With traditional melodies and rhythms reproduced on period instruments and illustrated with stunning visuals, the concert will not only offer a rare insight into Enescu’s laboratory, but a true musical discovery.
When meets three consecutive years dedicated to Heritage, the 42nd Estoril Lisbon Festival is stated in full subject of artistic, spiritual and material wealth. Lisbon and Cascais, with its Cultural Center and the Auditorium Sra. da Boa Nova, offers throughout the month of July several cycles of symphonic formations, chamber ensembles, solo recitals and opera. A wide repertoire from XIV to XXI centuries, including world creations, will be performed by orchestras, chamber ensembles and soloists, as well as by young international orchestras and soloists, always as a bridge between past and future.
‘Isvor. George Enescu’ is a project held by ISVOR Cultural Association, supported by Blue Air, Radio Romania / Cultural Media Centre and Iiana.
This project was financed by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the CentenArt Programme.
Ansamblul Imago Mundi ofera o perspectiva contemporana asupra bogatiei muzicii traditionale romanesti, insufletind partiturile irezistibile ale folclorului urban din trecut. In Estoril / Lisbon, ansamblul a prezentat cel mai nou proiect al sau, intitulat „Isvor. George Enescu”, ce investigheaza sursele locale de inspiratie ale marelui compozitor, cele ce au dat doua dintre cele mai cunoscute lucrari ale sale, „Rapsodiile Romane”, precum si multe alte compozitii cu aroma lor locala inconfundabila. Cu melodii si ritmuri reproduse pe instrumente vechi si ilustrate cu imagini uimitoare, concertul va oferi nu doar o rara perspectiva asupra laboratorului lui Enescu, dar si o adevarata descoperire muzicala.
Avand trei ani consecutivi dedicati Patrimoniului, a 42-a editie a Estoril Lisbon Festival se afirma pe deplin ca o bogatie artistica, spirituala si materiala. Lisabona si Cascais, cu al sau Centru Cultural si Sala Auditorium, ofera de-a lungul lunii iulie cateva serii de ansambluri simfonice, ansambluri camerale, recitaluri solistice si opera. Un larg repertoriu din secolul al XIV-lea pana in secolul XXI, incluzand creatii ale lumii, va fi performat de orchestre, ansambluri camerale si solisti, precum si de solisti si orchestre internationale de tineret, intotdeauna o punte intre trecut si viitor.
‘Isvor. George Enescu’ este un proiect al Asociatiei Culturale ISVOR, cu sprijinul Blue Air, Radio Romania / Centrul Cultural Media si Iiana.
Acest proiect a fost finantat de Institutul Cultural Roman prin programul cultural CentenArt.