Invited by Latvijas Koncerti, Imago Mundi ensemble performed tuesday, december 15 2016, in one of the most important cultural spaces from Latvia’s capital, Spīķeru Koncertzāle, within the International “European Christmas” Fest from Riga. The Romanian presence is possible thanks to the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute.
The concert, entitled “Isvor. George Enescu” and dedicated to the National Day of Romania, present a music programme muzical which expores the inspiration sources used by George Enescu and draws a parallel between them and the wider context of the 19th century folk / urban creations. The music is complemented by real-time mixed video projections.
Each year during the lovely season of the Advent and Christmas, the “European Christmas” festival offers audiences a chance to enjoy the holidays with the lively music of Bach, Handel, Mozart and other classical composers, along with traditional Christmas carols and melodies arranged in jazzy sounds.
Spikeru Koncertzale is a contemporary space for performances; a myriad of events have taken place here that include cultural festivals, book and music fairs, film festivals.
The aim of Latvijas Koncerti is to form and develop Latvia’s professional concert life, to satisfy, with high-quality and creatively inspiring activities, the people’s yearning for decent music, facilitating the spiritual growth of the contemporaries.
Latvijas Koncerti is a representative of the interests of the creative manifestations of Latvia’s professional musicians both in Latvia and abroad.
Latvijas Koncerti regularly co-operates with local municipalities in Latvia in organising music festivals and individual concerts. Every year, Latvijas Koncerti organises about 400 events throughout Latvia.
La invitatia Latvijas Koncerti, ansamblul Imago Mundi a concertat joi, 15 decembrie 2016, intr-unul dintre cele mai importante spatii culturale din capitala Letoniei, Spīķeru Koncertzāle, in cadrul Festivalului International „European Christmas” de la Riga. Prezenta romaneasca este posibila datorita sprijinului Institutului Cultural Român.
Concertul, intitulat „Isvor. George Enescu” si dedicat Zilei Nationale a Romaniei, prezinta un program muzical ce sondeaza sursele de inspiratie folosite de George Enescu si face o paralela intre acestea si contextul mai larg al creatiilor populare / urbane muntenesti ale secolului al XIX-lea. Muzica este insotita de proiectii video mixate in timp real.
In fiecare an, in timpul sezonului minunat al Adventului si Craciunului, festivalul „Craciunul european” ofera publicului o sansa de a se bucura de sarbatori cu muzica plina de viata a lui Bach, Handel, Mozart si alti compozitori clasici, impreuna cu colinde si melodii traditionale de Craciun in aranjamente jazzy.
Spikeru Koncertzale este un spatiu contemporan pentru spectacole; o multitudine de evenimente a avut loc aici, care includ festivaluri culturale, targuri de carte si muzica, festivaluri de film.
Scopul Latvijas Koncerti este de a forma si de a dezvolta viata concertelor profesionale din Letonia, pentru a satisface, cu activitati de inalta calitate si de inspiratie creativa, dorinta oamenilor de muzica decenta, facilitand cresterea spirituala a publicului contemporan.
Latvijas Koncerti este un reprezentant al intereselor manifestarilor creative ale muzicienilor profesionisti din Letonia, atat în Letonia, cat si in strainatate.
Latvijas Koncerti coopereaza periodic cu municipalitatile locale din Letonia in organizarea de festivaluri muzicale si de concerte individuale. In fiecare an, Latvijas Koncerti organizeaza aproximativ 400 de evenimente pe intreg teritoriul Letoniei.